

Tehnopolis (klubski večer) Petek, 14. 2. 2025, 23.00-5.00, Publika Bar, Ljubljana. Predprodaja vstopnic: https://www.entrio.si/event/tehnopolis-x-publika-22954 Napoved naslednjega eventa ljubljanskega underground tehno gibanja TEHNOPOLIS, ki bo v petek, 14. 2. 2025, v klubu Publika Bar – Ljubljana. Na tokratnem dogodku bomo predstavili izid novega EP-ja »ENDLESS« Nepalskega producenta in novomedijskega umetnika JOONDROID aka Abiral Khadka, ki se bo predstavil s svojim live-actom na analognih mašinah. Na dogodku bodo DJ-ali še legendarni ljubljanski multi umetnik SHEKUZA, skriti talent TINCHTOV in tehnokrat ELECTROSAURUS. Announcement of the next event of the Ljubljana underground techno movement TEHNOPOLIS, which will be held on 14.02.25 at the Publika Bar club – Ljubljana. At this event, we will present the release of the new EP "ENDLESS" by Nepalese producer and new media artist JOONDROID aka Abiral Khadka, who will present himself with his live-act on analog machines. The event will feature DJs and legendary Ljubljana multi-artist SHEKUZA, hidden talent TINCHTOV and technocrat ELECTROSAURUS. Časovnica/Timeline: 23 – 00 – ELECTROSAURUS 00 – 01 – TINCHTOV 01 – 02 – JOONDROID Live 02 – 04 - SHEKUZA 04 – 05 - TINCHTOV VABLJENI !!! Vstopnina/Entrance fee: Predprodaja/Presale: 10€ (https://www.entrio.si/event/tehnopolis-x-publika-22954) Na vratih/At entrance: 13€ < 0:00 > 15€ Projekt podpira Ministrstvo za kulturo in Mestna občina Ljubljana. / The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture and the City of Ljubljana.


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